
 The Master Class


This is a CrossFit style class designed with some modifications for members who are 50+ looking for life-long functional fitness. The Master Class differs from our regular programming in that we place a large focus on improving imbalances, functional every-day strength, mobility, flexibility, core strength and injury prevention.

The fact is that many older athletes have different needs based on a number of things including pre-existing injuries (sports and non-sports related), health issues, longer recovery times, decreased muscle and bone density, etc. Master athletes will have an environment that is a strength and conditioning program geared toward them, but it is also a learning environment. The learning aspect is that whether they were athletes earlier in their lives, or never picked up a ball, there is knowledge to be shared about our aging bodies and how to prolong our health and activity level so we can continue to be strong and healthy for years to come.

These classes are 1 hour long. They are smaller and special attention is paid to strength development, maintenance and mechanics. There is a group warm-up, skill/strength session and a WOD.